I have come to love the crazy combination of activities that is our life right now. This past weekend Kali and Easton both signed up to participate in a dodgeball tournament at the high school.

The teams could include kids from anywhere and all proceeds were to benefit the fundraiser. Kali's team was a combination of girls from her soccer team and a last minute replacement - the kicker from the football team. (Don't they know that you use your hands in dodgeball and not your feet?!)
Easton's team . . . well, they were all built like Easton - nuff said! As fate would have it, these two teams matched up against each other in the first round. Kali's team was all about the neon outfits they would wear.
Easton's teams wore 6XL tall T's. The outcome? Really, do you even need to ask! And, so, after several rounds, and three hours later, the "T-squared Tall T's" won the entire tournament. I asked if there were any injuries. "Nothing major" was the response! I heard through the grapevine that Easton was so excited after winning that he jumped up and touched the rim of the basketball hoop. Wow! He really does have HOPS! Kali's team went 2-2; but in typical Kali fashion, "It was the 'funnest' day of my life!"
Saturday night was the Sweetheart's Dance at the high school. Thursday night amid making a Valentine Box for the elementary school contest and ironing clothes for the sixth grade dance, Easton decided that it was time to get new pants and a vest for the dance.
I have learned that when the older children say, "I can go now" - that is exactly what you do! So we went to the mall and made the purchase! Easton got asked by a darling girl named Ashley and they were part of a large group that included all of his friends.
The entire group totaled nearly 40 kids. Easton looked so sharp and his date looked beautiful.
It was nice that the weather was actually fairly warm for February. They went to breakfast Saturday morning and then to dinner, the dance and to a rented room at Noah's to watch movies after the dance.
It is hard to believe that Easton's High school days are coming to an end. It has been a delight to watch the antics of his group. They are trying to plan a Senior trip that is giving me ulcers, but I am sure all will be well!