The summer is over.
A new school year will begin.
Another sixteen-year-old driver.
Another missionary to send.
I have nothing to show
For the months that have passed
No projects completed, but
Memories that will last.
My children once clamored
Like pups in a pile
Now scattered and separate
United once in a while.
School work and friends
Priorities changed,
But for time spent together
Schedules are rearranged.
Guatemala will be
Easton's destination.
Short time left at home
Shows complete dedication.
Ben's back in town.
A smile on Haley's face
Having him at our home
All things seem back in place.
Surgery for Kali.
New ankle secure.
No running for months
But soccer future is sure!
Teag has completed
His elementary school days.
"Hanging" with friends.
Adopting Junior High ways.
Chandler's own business
Still pays for his fun.
University courses
Quite a few 'til he's done!
My 50 year age is
Reality, no doubt!
Grown children and wrinkles
I could sure do without!
I have run many miles-
An attempt to avoid
My new station in life
With which I'm annoyed!
The years unforgiving.
Time marches on.
There is no reprieve
Precious moments now gone.

But every Fall
When school starts once again
Goals re-emerge...
Resolve comes from within.
Another fresh chance
To improve, make a change.
And the process of life
Seems a little less strange!