The holiday season is upon us, and I am thrilled to have all seven Hansen's in the same state! I love almost everything about the season. I love the warmth, the decorations, the music, the friends, the cooking, the smells and the togetherness. I even like the snow if I am looking out the window at it from a cozy, warm room. I will always hate the cold, and I can't say that I love the shopping. Every year at this time I am reminded how much I miss my old buying job at Nordstrom. . . Not because I miss the wild, crazed shoppers or the 70 hour work weeks. But I have to admit that getting paid to spend someone else's money has got to be the epitome of a dream job!

I love having everyone home without the pressure of homework. I love seeing friends and family. I love fixing food that I only fix once a year. I love making sugar cookies on Christmas Eve, putting up the Christmas tree covered with hundreds of homemade ornaments, reading Christmas books each night, and watching the old favorite Christmas specials on TV. There's nothing better than the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert every year, and I absolutely love listening to the Christmas playlist on my ipod!!
What do I want for Christmas?? Just a home filled with family, fun, friends and laughter. I love it when Alan's sisters come to town and we have little kids around. I hope they want American Girl dolls again this year, because I love them as much as the little girls do!