Life is filled with moments of joy. I have learned to recognize and appreciate them because sometimes it feels that they are too infrequent. I'm inclined to believe that those moments are sweet reminders of a loving Father's merciful care.
I have had the privilege to be acquainted with many great people. I have benefited from their examples, their faith and most assuredly their trials. I have always had a testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I know it is a perfect plan and I know it is designed to bring happiness. What I do not know is exactly how that works within the framework of a world filled with sorrow and tragedy. I think the mystery of it all comes full circle in those moments of joy!
I believe it is no mistake that special people surface at just the right moments in our lives. 27 years ago I was privileged to make the acquaintance of a very energetic, faithful, fun, inspired friend. She returned from her mission to her home ward in Quilpue, Chile where I happened to be serving as a new missionary. She was engaged, soon after her return, to the mission leader in that same ward. They were both awesome individuals; and best of all they were my very dear friends. They visited me nearly a year later in another area of Chile, and that was our last connection before my return home. Just last October, I received a message from Gloria, my friend, on Facebook. She was living in Provo, had two married children and two darling grandchildren. Her son was living with her husband from whom she had separated. We stayed in touch and always talked about getting together. Saturday night we finally had our face to face reunion! It was truly a moment of joy. Even in light of the fact that Gloria is leaving the country to return home to Chile, I am forced to recognize that our reunion was a blessing from above!
There are heroes everywhere. None of the one's I know wear capes or have super powers. All, however, are endowed with spiritual strength superior to any human capacity. I know that it is heaven sent. It comes as a result of personal preparation exactly at the time of great need. I am impressed by the courage of these people. Even more amazing to me is the realization of how many of them have played an important part in my life.
My High School years were the best! I have great memories of endless happy, funny and joyful events! Interestingly, however, I don't think I appreciated how wonderfully blessed my life was in those days until recently. I have learned that you have to create your opportunities. So, just a few weeks ago I connected with an old friend and found out that her son was leaving on a mission. The Sunday of his farewell I determined to attend the meeting even though I did not personally know her son. What a blessing! What great testimony and strength he shared in his farewell address. Nothing is coincidental. Nothing happens by chance. Together, my friend and I decided to attend a benefit run sponsored by another of our High School friends a couple of weeks later. It was a moment of joy to be in the presence of old friends, but realizing that I was in the company of living heroes gave the phrase whole new meaning. Both Pam and Marie have endured great personal heartache and physical challenges. Both are amazing, strong, inspiring people - and I am privileged to call them friends!
I have incredible children. They are upright, exemplary, and delightful. Each one is unique and each one fills a different need in our family. Easton is graduating in two weeks. He completed his final missionary interview with the Stake President yesterday. He is well prepared. I am not. I have had years to get ready for his departure. I have prayed about it and been amazed at the individual he has become. I know, too that he will be a great force for good in whatever mission to which he is called. What I do not know is how we will survive at home without his witty, fun, and hard-driving personality. He will be so greatly missed. And yet, past experience tells me that the coming two years will be filled with many great moments of joy!
I consider it an honor to work with children. They are honest, sincere and innovative. They try hard, love learning and show joy often. Everyday I am reminded what it is like to feel accomplishment in even the smallest measure of progress. Teaching reading in the Elementary school brings many moments of joy!
I have decided that "going the distance" in life is a lot like running a marathon. It had been over two years since I ran my last marathon, up until about three weeks ago, that is. I like to spend a of of time doubting myself. I'm not a fan of personal preparation. It takes time. It is hard work. It isn't pretty. I have always found it hard to exercise self discipline in an effort to strengthen weaknesses. But I have seen in those around me the benefit of putting in the extra time and effort. The results are inevitable.
I ran the Provo City marathon on May 7. It was my first race "alone." I arrived alone, ran alone, finished alone and drove home alone - and yet, I never felt alone. I felt inspired by all the great people I know who love running like I do. Running has always been my metaphor for life and I have found that I am not alone. There is great personal satisfaction in crossing the finish line. Even when the time is too slow or the legs feel weak, there is a determination to run again. "What the years have shown me is that running clarifies the thinking process as well as purifies the body. I think best - most broadly and fully - when I am running." It is always a moment of joy!