The end of another era is quickly approaching. Easton attended his last High School prom last night. His graduation is less than a month away.
His mission papers will be completed this week. The call will come too soon.
I will be counting and crying before we know it!
Last night as we did the traditional picture taking at the park before the dance, I realized how much I will miss this great group of boys.
They are handsome, intelligent, diverse and unique. They are high-energy, creative, motivated and fun.
They will do many great things. They are a joy to have around.
The end of another era is quickly approaching. I will never be a fan of change.
I will never feel that I have mastered the challenge of adjusting. I will, however, be eternally grateful for the whisperings of the spirit that lead us to this neighborhood and this home.
Our children have enjoyed a blessed upbringing.
Their lives have been touched by wonderful teachers, amazing ward members, and heaven-sent friends.
The end of another era is quickly approaching . . . and we know that we are blessed!
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