Al turns 50 today . . . and, for the record, he IS older than I am! Truthfully, not by much, but at this point in life, every month counts! I can't believe that another year has gone by.
The Christmas season was fabulous this year.
We actually made it to Temple Square before the frigid weather set in.

We had our annual dessert night which I love.
Even the annual Tucker family photo on Christmas Eve...

and the Hansen Family Gifts From the Heart events were fairly stress free.
Only one little thought in the back of my mind put an occasional damper on my Christmas spirit - - - next year at this time Easton will be on a mission.
I just kept pushing the thought aside and telling myself, "Don't think about it!" But, let's be honest, Christmas is simply not the same when family members are missing! And that is true of any family member.

The Dixon's were in Italy this Christmas and they were greatly missed!
There is something that each family member brings to the party, and without them, it is simply not the same!
I must say, having a missionary is a little different. There is an added measure of the spirit in the home and an increased sensitivity for the Savior in the heart! There is an indescribable closeness to Jesus Christ that comes in no other way than in sharing your son or daughter with Him in spreading his great work.
I know I am getting old because every year there are fewer and fewer things that I really care about. I have little concern for many of the things that I used to spend all my time worrying about.
I don't fret about how my children look or what they wear. I don't give a thought to how worn out my kitchen floor is or how dirty the basement carpet might be. I have accepted the fact that the laundry will never be clean and that there is not enough room in our house for everything to be in its place.
I don't care if there are any Christmas presents - just Christmas memories.

I know I will never be a gourmet cook, but I hope that our dinner hours will always be sweet!
I still hate the cold but would rather be out in it where my children are than in the warm house!
I will never have a mansion but I hope my home with always be filled with friends and family.
I love your Blog Joni! You always know how to create great memories and your home and family were sorely missed this holiday season! I am glad we can see glimpses through your photos. Everyone looks so good and secretly, i was thinking the same thing about Easton. He will be missed but at least he will be in great place, where ever that may be. The girls were saying that they hope he comes to Naples!!!! Well, I guess there is always that chance, right? Happy New Year.
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