When we named Easton, I was not aware that Easton was a Sporting Goods manufacturer. I didn't know that many bats, gloves and even cleats were emblazoned with the name. If I had known, I might have been just a little suspicious of why Al liked the name Easton so much!! What I did know, however, was that the name seemed to fit the scrawny, little platinum-haired infant that was born in the wee hours of the morning on September 26.
The name has served Easton well. He is athletic and strong, loves the outdoors and thrives on a challenge. Recently, he has taken up mountain biking. He does it like he does everything else - harder, faster, and stronger. Now that fall is upon us, he will be in the mountains hunting, hiking and camping. That, too, will be done with all the energy he can muster. The night the boys left with Al on their first hunting excursion of the season, I had only one bit of advice for Easton. "Don't go off on your own." He can hike faster than anyone I know - not because he loves hiking but because he has no patience. He must get to the top right now!! He has turned his impatience into an advantage - one that paid off when he shot his first antelope last weekend. He may not be a sporting goods manufacturer, but he has definitely grown into his name.

Easton just celebrated his 17th birthday, and may I say, he is much more than a sporting goods manufacturer!! Easton is active, athletic, capable and smart. He has certainly owned his share of" Easton" gear and put all of it to very good use. I think that being a teen presents one of the hardest phases of life - particularly for a young man like Easton. Easton stands for everything that teens do not. He loves hard work, thrives on being busy and excels most when he is extremely active. However, as a teen-ager, he also suffers from the two most compelling desires of most 16 and 17 year olds. First, he shares the teen obsession with "driving." What is it about "going for a drive," "just driving around," and "sitting in the car talking" that is so novel for teenagers. Second, like other teens, Easton shares the constant desire to "hangout" with friends. This poses a unique challenge for Easton, because he gets bored extremely easily. So, I wonder, "Why hang-out when you can be working?" Needless to say, he is driven by these two interests and the need to be doing what every one else is doing.

So, there you have it, Easton is a kid with the inherent character that likes to work hard and be busy trapped in a teenage body that thinks there is nothing better than driving around and hanging-out. Does anyone, besides me, see a problem here?
The greatest thing about Easton is that he has managed to hook up with some good kids who like to do fun things. His most recent adventure was going to Homecoming, his first boys choice High School dance. He asked one of his very good friends, (without any nudging or suggesting from us which is miraculous in and of itself), named Maddie. A group of about 15 couples started the day by having breakfast at one of the boy's houses and then going to "Jump on it" to play on the trampolines. The evening activities began at about 4:30 when he and fourteen of his friends rented a fun bus for five hours to drive them around town, to dinner at Asian Star and then to the dance. There was a big screen TV, stereo system, and refrigerator in the bus. It looked like a blast, and what's even better, it sounded like they all had a great time.

I have always said that Easton would be the one to take care of me in my old age. I only say that because he and I worry about the same things... EVERYTHING!! The poor kid ended up with every genetic disadvantage that I could possibly pass on to him... impatience, fear, impatience, worry, and, did I mention, IMPATIENCE. Easton is better than I will ever be. He has amazing faith, compelling motivation and mental strength beyond belief. In spite of the defective genes over which he has no control, he is growing into one awesome teen.