Monday, April 26, 2010

We Are Definitely All Human!!

I suppose the best thing you can do when things don't go exactly as planned is LAUGH. I, personally, have never mastered this skill. However, my children seem to do quite well with it. We have had one of those months where the little things in life just seem to be awry. Mind you, there have been no major mishaps or life changing events - just minor irritants and tidbits to worry about. Even the consequences are of little import in the eternal scheme of things. Nevertheless, I have, on more than one occasion, found myself watching as the family laughs. Meanwhile, I fret!

Haley forgot to take a test in one of her classes.

It turned out to her advantage as she wowed the class and professor with an amazing presentation and poised honesty. "I didn't deserve to take the test. I had no excuse. I just forgot." The result, of course, was that she was allowed to take the test late. I never had that kind of LUCK in college. Then again, I never get a close parking place anywhere unless Haley is in the car!!

Easton had two F's on his mid-term grades.

Now, there's something to laugh about!! "Don't worry, Mom, I'll have them fixed by the weekend." We never had the luxury of "Skyward" (websites that posted grades immediately) when I was in school. I vividly remember spending a good portion of my school years worrying about one bad score or one missing assignment. Experience has taught me that a chuckle from behind the laptop usually means Easton is checking his grades. Luckily, the F's and D's always end up as A's and B's.

Kalinee ran for Sophomore class office and lost!

Most teenage girls would be devastated by such a loss. Kalinee, however, doesn't seem to care one bit. She is, perhaps, the only person that really does not care about winning or losing an election. Some people would call her carefree. Her siblings call her "clueless." I like to think that she is just well-adjusted. She is always happy. In every situation, regardless of the outcome, she seems to know that life goes on. May I say, these are not attitudes that are genetic. They are, I maintain, gifts from God.

Teagan is in a batting slump!

That never happens! Teagan has been able to hit the ball since he was old enough to hold a bat. This season has been the exception . . . until last week, that is. Easton was finally able to come to one of Teagan's games and miraculously fixed Teag's swing. Easton is an expert from all those years of throwing his helmet and bat in frustration. He has the eye of a pro and, remarkably, more patience than most older brothers.

We always know that Chandler is human, because he is always hurt! Elbow. Back. Shoulder.
I don't even like to think, "What next?" Injuries are a constant reminder of his mortality!

Apparently, Chandler wants to revisit the most agonizing moments in his life. Personally, I like him best in one piece. His latest desire is to buy a motorcycle. Wait. Didn't he have a horrifying motorcycle accident?? Oh, the logic of youth!! Frankly, it leaves me speechless! There is no laughing about this one.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Not too many years ago our Saturdays were pure chaos. We were shuffling multiple soccer games, baseball double headers and lacrosse games. In the fall, there were little league football games. I remember when the games spanned I15 from Brigham City to Utah county. We would divide and conquer. Al would go one direction, and I would go the other. We did cell phone play-by-plays in order not to miss any memorable moments. There was no time on Saturday to grocery shop or do yard work. The days were full, and we liked it that way.

Our Saturday routine has changed considerably. There are still games - baseball and soccer; but the schedule is much more manageable.
In the winter the older boys are snowboarding. Kalinee plays soccer nearly every day rain or shine.
She doesn't know what to do with herself when she is not on the field or running hills. Teagan plays whichever sport is in season. He hasn't wanted to commit to super league in any one sport, but prefers to play the game and still have time to play with friends. We have missed the trips to Steamboat every summer and the warm tournaments in Southern Utah. Still, Saturday never goes to waste in the hansen household.

Yesterday was the first little league baseball game of the season.

The air was cool but not unbearably cold. I love sitting at the ball park. I have learned a lot of life lessons sitting in my lawn chair. Baseball gives me a stomach ache. The combination of too many sunflower seeds and too much anticipation while watching the pitches come across the plate is a difficult twosome to swallow.

Coach Al has mellowed in his old age, and Teagan is the perfect emotional composition for the challenges of the game. He enjoyed a Game 1 win in the last inning.

It was ACT day for Easton. He said he would rather spend 24 hours in church than take that test again. Unfortunately, the latter is inevitable. After the test, it was off to pick up the corsage and tux for Junior Prom.
I love seeing his group of friends all dressed up and ready to go. They are a great bunch of boys that love to have fun. Not to mention the fact that they all clean up pretty well - they are definitely a good-looking group.
The evening started with a limousine ride to The Roof Restaurant downtown for dinner. Then it was to the state Capital for the dance. Justin's house has all of the right "toys" for a great after-dance activity.

Haley and Kalinee both had haircut appointments. Then it was off the the store for a few minutes of shopping. (We have to get our fill whenever Haley is in town.)

Kalinee loves to go watch her friends play sports at the high school. Yesterday she watched the Jordan Lacrosse team.

Al and I chase behind the kids taking pictures. There are still carpools and friends to pick up, and there are always school projects and church responsibilities to prepare for. Occasionally, Chandler comes along for the ride. It brings back good memories of when we used to travel in a Hansen pack.

I don't complain about Saturdays anymore. I treasure the busy moments. I hope my weekends will always be full of things other than cleaning and grocery shopping. I hope there will always be kids to watch, games to attend, and pictures to take. It is the life we have made, and I love it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Remember the Times I said "YES"

I have spent the better part of my parenting years telling my children "no!" As they have grown-up, they have selectively eliminated several of the rules they were previously taught which they now view as bogus. Nevertheless, I am a firm believer that there are some things you just don't do.
I have a very long list of words that I hate! My children have always known what they are and have been careful not to use them - at least around me. We have the standard rules of politeness. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't reach across the table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Say please and thank you! Everyone in the family knows the rules. They may not always obey them, but they know what they are!

We have other rules too. No rollerblading in the house. No air soft gun wars in the house. No wrestling in the living room. No eating on the sofa. Take off your cleats at the back door.

The rules of cleanliness are everyone's favorites to ignore. Don't leave your dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. No wet towels in the bedroom. Hang up, pick up and put away!! Put the lid on the toothpaste. Rinse out the sink after you spit.

The kids have added their own version of some rules. "If you can't make your bed right . . . mom will make it!" And my personal favorite, "The dog did it!"

Sometimes when I think of the number of years I have spent trying to enforce all the "don'ts" in life, I am overwhelmed. I hope that occasionally my children will remember some of the times I actually said "yes!"

There were those bizarre and rare occasions when they could truthfully say, "My mom let's us do that!"

Remember when you used to:

*Throw wet paper towels into the ceiling fan and try to catch them when they came flying out.
*Slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag.
*Build forts out of blankets and pipes.
*Hold secret "club" meetings on the roof of the shed by the light of the disco ball.
*Make a two-story fort out of the old, torn-down pieces of wooden fence.
*Create a water park out of tarps, the swing set slide and dishwashing soap.
*Catch lizards and frogs in the yard and keep them as pets.

*Make haunted houses with Halloween costumes in the basement.
*Shoot each other with air soft guns while jumping on the tramp.
*Make snowboarding jumps in the front yard and on the deck.
*Play baseball and football in the basement (with a foam ball, of course).
*Play endless hours of hide-and-seek in the dark.
It is no wonder that the glass has been broken out of most of my picture frames. It is not surprising that our house is well-lived in and that the furniture is well-worn. There are holes in the fence from ill-aimed golf balls and miss-shot arrows. They will probably be there forever . . as a reminder that sometimes in life, Mom actually said, "Yes!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Love Those Holidays!!

I just took down my Easter decorations. I have serious issues with leaving
holiday decorations up after the holiday is past. Still, I do love
holidays! I love seeing family, making goodies I would not usually make, and; most of all, I love having something to look forward to.
We did all of the traditional things this weekend.

We colored Easter eggs.
We had an egg hunt.

(Once again, Haley found the golden egg. You might say, she has a nose for the gold! The "H's" Halle and Haley shared the prize)

We played with the little cousins.

And enjoyed friendly family competition.
Chandler mimicking Haley kicking a soccer ball.

We also missed Easton alot! ( He was (not missing us) in Coronado with his friends)

It was great to have Haley home for the weekend.

Now, sadly, it is back to school and work. What holiday is next??
I definitely need something to look forward to!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Surprises!

There are plenty of things in this life over which we have no control. Some of them are pleasant surprises and some are difficult challenges. Let me just say, for the record, that I am generally not a fan of surprises! In those things we have control over, that is, I do not like to be surprised. I am not a fan of surprise parties. I, frankly, like to pick my own gifts. I like to know where I am going before I leave home, and I even want prior notice of little things like soccer practice and baseball schedules.

There are some pleasant surprises. I love getting a text that one of my children has gotten 100% on the Biology test, or news that they have passed the AP Calculus exam (we're still waiting for that one!) I think it is fun to bite into the unknown filling of a delicious chocolate, and I am thrilled to find an unexpected cake flavor under a thick layer of fluffy frosting. Best of all is the surprise of having friends and family stop by. I love unexpected visitors!

Suffice it to say, there are some things that I think should not be a surprise. These apply only to my children because they have the cruel misfortune of having me for a mother. These too, have some fine print which follows the list, but here are some statements that I never want to be surprised by:

1. "I am not going to school this semester."
Education is not optional. You better have an impressive alternative plan to pursue if you are opting out of education. Rather or not you know what you want to do in life, the road forward will allow good things to come into your path. When you are in motion towards a goal, opportunities will find you. Going to school is a good start down the path.

2. "I am getting married!"
I am a firm believer that engagement is the expected next step in the progression of a well-developing relationship. Such relationships involve a considerable amount of time and experience invested. Some of that time and experience happens when you are alone, figuring out who you are, what you like, and who you want to be. When all of those things are in line, you (and I) will know what is to be the next step.

3. "Mom, you're going to be a Grandma!"
One comment. I better be a mother-in-law first. Enough said! There is nothing better in life than a newborn baby. They deserve two loving parents committed to each other. I know you will assure that things are in order when the time comes (which, at the rate we are going, is a long way down the road. And, I am OK with that!) When little ones come, it is no longer about you - it is all about them!

All of that being said, here is the fine print. Know, my children, that I have complete confidence in your ability to receive and recognize the spirit in your lives. I do not profess to know much in comparison to your all-knowing, and loving parent - your Heavenly Father. I can't even relate to knowing perfectly and understanding flawlessly the experiences and individuals that will provide you, my children, with the necessary perspective and growth that will take you back to Him. Only He knows that. Pray often. Listen closely. Work diligently.