I suppose the best thing you can do when things don't go exactly as planned is LAUGH. I, personally, have never mastered this skill. However, my children seem to do quite well with it. We have had one of those months where the little things in life just seem to be awry. Mind you, there have been no major mishaps or life changing events - just minor irritants and tidbits to worry about. Even the consequences are of little import in the eternal scheme of things. Nevertheless, I have, on more than one occasion, found myself watching as the family laughs. Meanwhile, I fret!
Haley forgot to take a test in one of her classes.
It turned out to her advantage as she wowed the class and professor with an amazing presentation and poised honesty. "I didn't deserve to take the test. I had no excuse. I just forgot." The result, of course, was that she was allowed to take the test late. I never had that kind of LUCK in college. Then again, I never get a close parking place anywhere unless Haley is in the car!!
Easton had two F's on his mid-term grades.
Now, there's something to laugh about!! "Don't worry, Mom, I'll have them fixed by the weekend." We never had the luxury of "Skyward" (websites that posted grades immediately) when I was in school. I vividly remember spending a good portion of my school years worrying about one bad score or one missing assignment. Experience has taught me that a chuckle from behind the laptop usually means Easton is checking his grades. Luckily, the F's and D's always end up as A's and B's.
Kalinee ran for Sophomore class office and lost!
Most teenage girls would be devastated by such a loss. Kalinee, however, doesn't seem to care one bit. She is, perhaps, the only person that really does not care about winning or losing an election. Some people would call her carefree. Her siblings call her "clueless." I like to think that she is just well-adjusted. She is always happy. In every situation, regardless of the outcome, she seems to know that life goes on. May I say, these are not attitudes that are genetic. They are, I maintain, gifts from God.

Teagan is in a batting slump!

That never happens! Teagan has been able to hit the ball since he was old enough to hold a bat. This season has been the exception . . . until last week, that is. Easton was finally able to come to one of Teagan's games and miraculously fixed Teag's swing. Easton is an expert from all those years of throwing his helmet and bat in frustration. He has the eye of a pro and, remarkably, more patience than most older brothers.
We always know that Chandler is human, because he is always hurt! Elbow. Back. Shoulder.
I don't even like to think, "What next?" Injuries are a constant reminder of his mortality!
Apparently, Chandler wants to revisit the most agonizing moments in his life. Personally, I like him best in one piece. His latest desire is to buy a motorcycle. Wait. Didn't he have a horrifying motorcycle accident?? Oh, the logic of youth!! Frankly, it leaves me speechless! There is no laughing about this one.