Sunday, April 11, 2010


Not too many years ago our Saturdays were pure chaos. We were shuffling multiple soccer games, baseball double headers and lacrosse games. In the fall, there were little league football games. I remember when the games spanned I15 from Brigham City to Utah county. We would divide and conquer. Al would go one direction, and I would go the other. We did cell phone play-by-plays in order not to miss any memorable moments. There was no time on Saturday to grocery shop or do yard work. The days were full, and we liked it that way.

Our Saturday routine has changed considerably. There are still games - baseball and soccer; but the schedule is much more manageable.
In the winter the older boys are snowboarding. Kalinee plays soccer nearly every day rain or shine.
She doesn't know what to do with herself when she is not on the field or running hills. Teagan plays whichever sport is in season. He hasn't wanted to commit to super league in any one sport, but prefers to play the game and still have time to play with friends. We have missed the trips to Steamboat every summer and the warm tournaments in Southern Utah. Still, Saturday never goes to waste in the hansen household.

Yesterday was the first little league baseball game of the season.

The air was cool but not unbearably cold. I love sitting at the ball park. I have learned a lot of life lessons sitting in my lawn chair. Baseball gives me a stomach ache. The combination of too many sunflower seeds and too much anticipation while watching the pitches come across the plate is a difficult twosome to swallow.

Coach Al has mellowed in his old age, and Teagan is the perfect emotional composition for the challenges of the game. He enjoyed a Game 1 win in the last inning.

It was ACT day for Easton. He said he would rather spend 24 hours in church than take that test again. Unfortunately, the latter is inevitable. After the test, it was off to pick up the corsage and tux for Junior Prom.
I love seeing his group of friends all dressed up and ready to go. They are a great bunch of boys that love to have fun. Not to mention the fact that they all clean up pretty well - they are definitely a good-looking group.
The evening started with a limousine ride to The Roof Restaurant downtown for dinner. Then it was to the state Capital for the dance. Justin's house has all of the right "toys" for a great after-dance activity.

Haley and Kalinee both had haircut appointments. Then it was off the the store for a few minutes of shopping. (We have to get our fill whenever Haley is in town.)

Kalinee loves to go watch her friends play sports at the high school. Yesterday she watched the Jordan Lacrosse team.

Al and I chase behind the kids taking pictures. There are still carpools and friends to pick up, and there are always school projects and church responsibilities to prepare for. Occasionally, Chandler comes along for the ride. It brings back good memories of when we used to travel in a Hansen pack.

I don't complain about Saturdays anymore. I treasure the busy moments. I hope my weekends will always be full of things other than cleaning and grocery shopping. I hope there will always be kids to watch, games to attend, and pictures to take. It is the life we have made, and I love it!



great pictures of all of the kids. I am so glad everyone is doing so well and WE LOVE saturday's too.

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