Life's question for Haley has never been "What to do?" but rather "What to do first!" She has always had lots of goals, hopes and desires, things she wants to do, and places she wants to go. Sometimes I have wondered, "Is there such a thing as too many options?" Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of obstacles to many of her plans - some are emotional, some are financial, and some are even physical. Regardless, where there's a will, there's a way.
Shortly after the first of the year, I was talking to Haley on the phone. After a fairly lengthy conversation about future plans and options, I simply said, "Just pick something, and we'll work to make it happen." I never dreamed what would transpire in the following weeks and months.
Once the decision was made to travel to Africa this summer for humanitarian purposes, the task of selecting a program was overwhelming. There are hundreds of organizations. Thousands of hours could be spent researching them all. So, once again, came the resolution, "Just pick one!" And she did!
In just a few short weeks from now, Haley will leave for Africa. It is nothing less than miraculous that she is going. The trip is paid for. She has gotten her shots. She is collecting donation items, and she even has some spending money for the trip.
I shouldn't be surprised that help has come, plans have materialized and prayers have been answered. We are surrounded by angels in the form of friends, neighbors and family. I am certain that the miracle is just beginning.
Haley loves people.
She thrives on making new friends and keeping old ones.
She is at her best in preserving relationships. Haley has spent her life extending herself to others in service, friendship and, most often, in fun! Now she will see others extending themselves to her in ways she could never imagine! Thanks to all of you who have helped make this experience possible. How sweet is the experience of learning that we all belong to the same group - "one of the least of these!!"

Haley -- can't wait to hear about your journey to Africa -- it will change your life for the better. I am so proud of you and wish we could jump in your suitcase and join you.
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