Last weekend was the Priesthood Preview in our ward for all the young men turning 12 during the upcoming year. Alan and Teagan were both asked to speak. Teagan mentioned it several times during the week and spent some quiet minutes on Sunday afternoon preparing what he would say. He has a tender and receptive spirit that often makes speaking a difficult task. However, he seemed calm and unconcerned about the assignment. His turn on the program finally arrived, and he walked to the front and began speaking.
"I have never thought that being the youngest member of the family is such a great thing. My older brothers love to beat up on me. My older sisters like to tease me and tell me what to do. But when it comes to having examples to learn from, I have had plenty!"
It was at about that point in his talk that the spirit kicked in and the tears began to come...
"When I think about how I am preparing to receive the priesthood, I guess I have been preparing for a long time. I have received priesthood blessings from my dad ever since I was a baby. I have watched my brothers bless and pass the sacrament, collect fast offerings and go home teaching. I have read awesome missionary letters about how lives are changed by the spirit, and I have seen miracles in my own family."
It was at this point that I began to cry. I am in complete awe of the children that surround me. They are good, brave and happy people. If I ever make it back "home" it will be because of them!

Teagan turns 12 this next week. He has been interviewed to receive the priesthood and has completed his Faith in God requirements in Primary. His first temple recommend will be valid as soon as he is ordained in the priesthood. I have taken for granted that these things will occur just as they have. I scarcely gave thought to any of the events of the day of his interview until I put him in bed that night. "Mom," he called as I walked out of his room. "What, Teag," I replied. "I am so happy right now," he said. "I have my first temple recommend."
It is a pretty big deal to be worthy to enter the Lord's house. I am overcome every week when I have the chance to go there. I can't wait for him to feel that sweet spirit as he enters.
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