Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am not nor will I ever be a true sports fan. I have learned to appreciate athletic ability and disciplined training. I can tolerate most athletic events, but prefer collegiate sports to professional ones. I have acquired the ability to tune out the constant sound of ESPN television while at home. But truthfully, I never quite understood how much a sport can become part of you until I watched Kalinee (not-so-patiently) recover from her recent broken foot.

Kalinee has always been motivated by social opportunities. She thrives while in the company of others, and has unlimited options for friends.

I always figured her "love" of soccer stemmed from the countless hours of practice spent with fun girls. Her uncanny ability to form close and open relationships has extended from players to coaches to opposing teams. So, when she injured her foot during the fall season of High School soccer, I watched with increased interest to see how intently she would work to return to the field.

The months passed. She was not allowed to work-out in any way. She sported an air-filled boot everyday and sat on the sidelines of every practice. I quietly kept waiting for her to say she wasn't going to go back to playing. We had numerous conversations about the hard work it would take to come back at the level that was required to play with her team. She was nervous. She watched them practice and often remarked at how good they really were.

Their first touch was nearly flawless and their strategy was calculated. Their passes were quick and accurate.

The day Kalinee received clearance to return to the field, she celebrated. She was anxious to go to practice. She believed that her close observation of the team had helped her to understand what she would need to make her body do! I was prepared for the tears of frustration that I knew were inevitable. They never came.
There were some practices that were tough. The first tournament she attended with the team proved to be a huge disappointment.

Games were rained out, and canceled. Her ex-coach showed his true colors by being condescending and manipulative. She faced old teammates on the sidelines that were less than friendly. Still, through it all she kept a positive attitude.

The second tournament rolled around and she consciously set goals to work on achieving a starting position. The extra pounds that she had put on while sitting on the sidelines began to come off. The ankle was unstable and the foot sore after heavy running, but her determination persisted.

The happy, fun-loving and pleasant teen that we had always known returned. I was amazed at how much that silly sport was a part of who Kalinee had become. She loved it. It made her happy. It made her better and it made her complete!

I haven't had the chance to see her play with her new team yet. She has been traveling alone to the tournaments, but I am happy to say that our girl is back!


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